Health & Nutrition
A child who has good health and nutrition from birth will be ready for school.
Well-Being & Development
Health and Nutrition are key components of our programme of work in Tanzania and Ethiopia. We believe they are essential for the well-being and development of every child in order for them to fulfil their full potential.
Nutrition & Early Childhood Development are linked
Children need a conducive environment in which they can grow.
However, in order to make the most of the early stages of their education, they also need to be receiving healthy, nutritious food if they are to make the most of these essential early years.
How do you feel and function when you are hungry?

What We Do

Nourish Programme (Ethiopia)
Our long term partnership with St Luke’s Hospital continues to address the nutritional and health needs of the most vulnerable children in the Wolisso area of Oromia. With our support, the St Luke’s team provided life-saving nutritional support to 354 severely malnourished children and maintained a low mortality rate of just 3.6% in 2019.

Addis Hiwot (New Life)
In 2012 we began working with a community of 60 families living in extreme poverty in a graveyard in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We provided new social housing for all 260 people; set up a nutrition programme to treat the entire community and established a new kindergarten, meaning the children of this community had access to a quality education. 180 of these children transitioned into government primary schools where they continued to thrive and develop.
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Early Childhood Development
The early years of a child’s life are critical to their future development. From developing their personalities and connections with friends and family to brain formation and motor skills, the early years of a child’s life are the foundation upon which the rest of their lives will be built.